The water conservation minded, dutifully collecting rain water and other runoff to use in their gardens and landscapes, are finding mosquitoes in and around their collection barrels and buckets. Staying mosquito free is important to maintaing your health and that of the environment.
Standing water in storage containers is a perfect breeding place for mosquitoes. Don’t panic, there are several simple but effective things you can do to keep these pesky, biting insects out of the water and away from collection receptacles, small ponds, bird baths and anywhere else that water accumulates.
Barrel covers, mosquito eating fish, insecticidal tablets (containing BT, bacillus thuringiensis), efficient pumps and drainage systems, are all effective solutions for controlling mosquito populations. An even simpler and still safe and effective solution, is adding a small amount of vegetable oil to the water. A light oil slick makes it impossible for mosquito larvae to live in the water. It has also been suggested that natural essential oils can be used in place of vegetable oil. The success and safety of using essential oils hasn’t been completely verified but if you’ve tried it, let us know how it’s worked for you.
Like the idea of using free mosquito eating fish? County agricultural and vector control departments will provide the fish free of charge. Check out the following links:
San Diego County
Los Angeles County
San Bernardino County
Riverside County
Getting rid of mosquitoes is no easy job. That’s why Corky’s Pest Control provides mosquito control services that eleminate immediate problems and control future infestations.