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Scorpion Control in San Diego, CA


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Scorpion Pest Control

Before treatment takes place, a thorough inspection of the property is performed to determine the extent of the infestation and to locate breeding sites and access points into structures.


Scorpions ID

Quick Facts

Quick Facts

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Help Us Help You
Control Scorpions


Treatment is performed to control the scorpion populations. A variety of control and monitoring devices and treatment procedures may be used.

man with mobile spray pests
  • Our technician will determine the best possible strategy to eliminate the infestation and provide future control.
  • Interior services – In some cases, inside treatments are necessary. When, this is the case, the interior service is priced separately. An interior service is always accompanied by an exterior service to provide effective results.


It is our commitment to provide timely and effective control for our customers, but without a regularly scheduled maintenance program, infestations are sure to reoccur, since scorpions will migrate from neighboring properties.


Remove debris, wood or rock piles away from foundations,
Tidy trash areas
Eliminate access points into the structure
Reduce watering schedules
Thin dense foliage.​