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Gopher Control in Santa Ana, CA

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Your Local Experts for Gopher Control

Gophers are rodents known for the damage they create on your lawn or garden. Your otherwise well-maintained garden may have horseshoe-shaped dirt mounds, indicating a gopher invasion. Corky’s Pest Control specializes in gopher control, and our experienced technicians can select the most effective methods to handle your property’s infestation. If you notice signs of gopher activity in Santa Ana, get in touch with us, and we’ll solve your problem.

Gopher Red

Gopher  ID

Quick Facts

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Control Gophers

Gopher Behavior and Its Impact on Your Home

Gophers might not seem harmful, and they usually aren’t toward humans. However, their digging and chewing can create problems for property owners, from ruined lawns and plants to severely damaged utility lines. These animals move in and can quickly cause long-lasting damage.

Gophers have strong teeth and legs for digging. They make several tunnels under the ground that you’ll find all over your yard. These tunnels can damage the ground and your garden.

You might first notice dirt piles scattered throughout the ground when gophers are around. These piles can ruin your landscaped lawn, making it tough to maintain attractive landscaping.

Gophers also destroy the green grass, which can make the ground bumpy and hard to walk on. This problem is especially challenging for people with trouble balancing, like the elderly or small children.

Unfortunately, though, gophers do more than make your yard look unsightly. They also disrupt the health of your garden. Gophers often eat on the roots of plants, which can kill the vegetables and flowers. Furthermore, they disturb the soil and impact how water moves through it, limiting how much water the remaining plants get.

These rodents can also damage important parts of your home’s plumbing system, which are buried underground. They quickly chew through the irrigation system and plastic water lines. Once they bite into these pipes, the water enters their tunnels and washes away the soil. They also chew through underground cables and electricity lines.

Most homeowners cannot manage this problem on their own. Gopher control is a service that should be left to an experienced gopher exterminator. This is where Corky’s Pest Control steps in. We offer environmentally friendly gopher control services that protect your property.

Understanding Our Gopher Control Services

No two properties are the same. That’s why Corky’s Pest Control offers a treatment program that focuses on the specifics of your particular property. We always begin with locating the problem and then performing gopher removal services tailored to your needs. Follow-up maintenance services can protect your home from additional gopher problems.

Effective Treatments for Gopher Control

  • Every property gets a customized treatment plan. Our team can set traps and use bait and repellent to deter these pests from returning. Your technician will know how to locate the gophers’ entry and exit points for their tunnels.
  • After we complete the treatment, we apply a topical repellent over infected areas. This product is designed to repel gophers using a strong odor and bad taste to stop gophers from extending their tunnels into your yard.
Gopher Maintenance
Gopher Recommendations

Gopher Maintenance Program

  • Gophers move around quickly from place to place. This movement allows them to create more damage every day. Even if your neighbors have a gopher problem, it could become your problem, too, within a few days.
  • Having a routine maintenance plan in place is vital to protecting your house. Every time we visit, we look for signs of gophers. We can promptly spot new holes and begin treating them immediately. Each visit ends with adding more repellent to continue limiting gopher activity on your property.

Professional Recommendations for Your Home

  • We always work to ensure that our gopher removal treatment provides the best results. Your technician may recommend certain products or services to help control your gopher problem.
  • Our recommendations may include keeping your grass and bushes trimmed, reducing water schedules, and replacing damaged plants. Creating a border around your home or garden may also help repel gophers. Some plants that gophers don’t like include lavender, rosemary, and marigolds.
Gopher Treatment

Gopher Inspection Services

When you schedule professional Santa Ana pest control services with Corky’s, we always start with a comprehensive inspection. This assessment allows us to locate signs of an infestation. Our seasoned technicians have serviced homes all throughout Santa Ana, so we know what clues to look for.

Before we start treating your property, we verify the location of tunnels and mounds using the Gopher X machine. This equipment moves carbon monoxide and heated smoke through a gopher opening and spreads through the tunnel system.

Not to worry, though. Our products are environmentally friendly and will not harm any plants or trees they contact.

The smoke uses a vegetable mineral oil blend, making it easier to see where the gas goes. Once we know where the tunnels are, we can close them off and eliminate these gopher pathways.

Personalized Gopher Control Methods

We want to offer our customers the best service, and that includes customized solutions. Our technicians don’t use cookie-cutter solutions because we know the right treatment depends on your yard’s unique condition.

Our gopher removal solutions are also humane, whether we use traps, baits, or repellents. We focus on eliminating food sources, spreading repellant throughout your lawn, spraying liquid repellents, and creating barriers to make digging more challenging.

Gopher control isn’t a one-and-done solution. We can remove these creatures and close down the tunnel, but other gophers can move in and take over. Fortunately, our routine maintenance helps prevent future infestations.

Why Choose Corky’s Skilled Team?

At Corky’s Pest Control, we want to solve your gopher problem once and for all. That’s why we use several effective methods, all of which are safe for your pets to be around. Our team creates solutions that will work for your particular property and won’t get in the way of your outdoor fun.

Trust us to improve your quality of life with our high-quality gopher control. Our company is licensed and bonded according to California regulations. Contact Corky’s Pest Control by filling out our form online or calling us at (800) 901-1102 to get started.