Basic steps to ensure a successful Fabric Pest Control Service.
Preventing the return of pantry pests, whether it be meal moths, beetles or weevils, after a control service, takes a little work, but the results are worth it.
- Clean out your pantry periodically, remove old and out of date food stuffs. Check packages and containers for signs of pests.
- Every so often, remove everything from the pantry and vacuum it out and wash shelving.
- While shopping for groceries, inspect packaging. Don’t purchase opened or damaged items.
- After opening, seal unused food products in tightly sealing containers. Heavy plastic or glass works best. Plastic self-seal bags are not adequate since these pests can chew through thin plastic, wax and paper bags and cardboard.
- Keep container tops on tightly, even screw tops. The tiniest of cracks can invite pests in.
- Do not mix old food products with new. Dispose of old products and don’t leave them in kitchen trash bins, take them directly to outside trash containers.
- There are some of these pests that breed in animal nests (bird and rodent) and may migrate into structures. Remove nesting materials as soon as they are found.
- Keep dry and moderate temperatures. Hot and moist environments encourage pests.
Corky’s Pantry Pest Control Service was created to control various pantry pests (meal moths, beetles and weevils) from infesting homes and damaging property. One-time (initial) services can eliminate or reduce an immediate problem, but reinfestations can happen quickly if preventative measures are not implemented, and re-infestations are not addressed immediately. Since Panty Pests are generally brought in from outside sources, treatment services are performed upon request and billed separately.
Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service, a year-round treatment program for ants and spiders also includes control and preventative measures for aphids, whitefly, ticks, mosquitoes and more. This service keeps insect pests controlled in your yard and out of your home. Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service customers enjoy substantial discounts on this and other services.