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Fly Pest Control in San Diego, CA


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Get rid of flies and/or mosquitoes at your outdoor party event.

Keep your outdoor events (weddings, picnics, family reunions) from being ruined by flies and thirsty mosquitoes. If you’re planning a special occasion outside, have Corky’s provide you with optimum protection from flies and mosquitoes. We recommend that our service be performed 12 to 24 hours before the event.


Fly ID

Quick Facts

Quick Facts

Help us Help you

Help Us Help You
Control Flies

Flies are annoying and they carry diseases and bacteria such as typhoid, cholera and dysentery, salmonella, anthrax and tuberculosis.

blow fly on top of a leaf
barbeque party


  • We use specially designed equipment to treat the areas where flies, live, rest and breed on your property. Treatment products and other control procedures are applied to the home and landscape areas (lawns, bushes and shrubs).
  • Fly treatments are usually performed once a month to maintain adequate control but can be scheduled individually any time you feel they are needed. More frequent treatments are recommended between March and October, as this is peak fly season.


Steps to get rid of flies may include eliminating openings into the structure, removing debris and pet feces, reducing watering schedules, maintaining garbage areas and covering and cleaning trash bins.

Recommendations for extermination and prevention of fly infestations are made by the technician.