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Cricket Pest Control in San Diego, CA


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Corkys’s Cricket Ultimate Pest Control

Crickets are omnivore and eat other insects, fungi, and plant material. Their song can be lulling but also a noisy nuisance. To have the best cricket control ask about our services that work alongside fixes around your home to decrease the population and return visits.


Cricket ID

Quick Facts

Quick Facts

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Control Crickets


  • Botanical or low-impact treatment products (including baits) for the control of crickets are applied to the affected (treatable) areas of the landscape.
  • Special attention is paid to the foundation areas of the structure, and under yard debris, such as wood cuttings, paper products, or any thing where crickets can find shelter. We also spray under the plants and shrubs.
yard with wood pile
Open Door
  • In the event that interior treatment is required, it will be performed and charged at the low customer rate. Special technicians are required to do interior treatments for crickets. Therefore same day service may not be available. Call our customer service representative at 1-800-901-1102.

Get rid of Crickets


To ensure this treatment to get rid of crickets is successful and future prevention is established, it is important to clean up any yard debris.

Eliminate over-watering, thin dense foliage, cut tall grasses , let the sun shine in.


Once the initial service is done for crickets, it can be added to Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service Plan and cricket protection will be included on the list of guaranteed insects, as long as you stay on the Ultimate Pest Control Service PlanCrickets are NOT guaranteed.