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Centipede Pest Control in San Diego, CA​


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Initial Treatment

Corky’s offers and initial treatment for outside landscape (up to 14,000 square feet)

Centipedes ID

Quick Facts

Quick Facts

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Control Centipedes


  • We spray foundations, window casings, door frames, eaves, underneath plants and shrubs, wooden fences, property perimeters, ground covers, and fence lines; all places on the outside where centipedes may hide.
  • Since centipedes migrate from neighboring properties, Interior treaments are sometimes requested. Interior treatments are priced separately.
Floor Plan

Get rid of Centipedes


Once the initial service is done for centipedes, “centipete” protection can be added to Corky’s Ulltimate Pest Control Service Plan and will be included on the list of guaranteed insects, as long as you stay on the Ultimate Pest Control Service Plan. Centipedes are NOT guaranteed.


Eliminate over-watering.
The thinning of dense foliage.
Cutting of tall grasses.
General repair to the structure to fix points of access.