Termites cost property owners billions of dollars each year. Why? Termites, don't sleep and will always eat. They feed twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Obviously, the answer to the questions, "Do I need a termite inspection?...
Corky’s Pest Control Blog

Your Household Budget Should Include – A Termite Protection Plan.
Your home is probably the single largest investment you will make in your lifetime. Protecting it against termites before they become a problem or adding that protection after you have invested money and time into a termite treatment, is sound...
Spot Treatments for Termites, A Real Solution?
SPOT TREATMENTS are defined as any treatments which concern a limited, defined area less than ten (10) linear or square feet that is intended to protect a specific location or “spot.” There are often adjacent areas, to the infested spot, that are...
Termites vs The Human Habitat …………………..Know The Opposition!
Every spring as the weather begins to warm, termites surface in search of new structures to infest. The first termite explorers to show up are the swarmers. These winged invaders look for the most appetizing structures in which to set up new...
Subterranean Termites: Denizens of the Underworld
Subterranean termites can be found throughout the United States. In California, the Western Subterranean termite, feasts on dead wood, tree stumps and fallen trees that are in direct contact with soil, in forested areas, landscapes or the...
It might sound like something out of a science fiction movie but the fact is, Corky’s No Tent Heat and Radar Termite Treatment process, for getting rid of drywood termites, is fact not fiction, and it Works! Using radar detection equipment, to find...
Fumigation Isn’t a Circus, but a “Tent” Is Involved!
Fumigation is a treatment used to exterminate Drywood Termites. ...
It’s, “Party On” for Termites!
A Termites New Year’s Celebration never stops! This is why, they cause so much fear and anxiety in so many California property owners. Termites have one, lifelong imperative; survive and increase the colony. California’s exceptional climate means...
Termites Have An Appetite For Life
It is a very depressing moment in a homeowner’s life when the pest control company issues the heart stopping diagnosis, “You Have Termites”! What runs through the mind at that point is, where did they come from, how could this happen, why my...
When The Rain is Gone. Termite Swarms Begin.
Termites won’t be swarming around the house while the rain is falling, but once it stops, look out! Thick termite swarms may be coming your way. Weather plays a tremendous part in the life of a termite so as a general rule of thumb termites swarm...