Home / Beware! Rats are Dirty and Leave Toxic Chaos Behind.

Beware! Rats are Dirty and Leave Toxic Chaos Behind.

by | Jan 11, 2021 | 0 comments

The last thing you want in your house walls is a rat.
Rats and even mice can create a ton of damage and a dangerous amount of contamination in a very short time. Cleaning up after them can be a “big” job and a hazardous one to boot.  The messes they make are “TOXIC”!   poop-in-the-attic
Rats and mice are constantly urinating and defecating, contaminating every surface they touch. Disease and bacteria are easily tracked across, furniture, appliances, countertops and utensils on their paws and fur.rats-in-kitchen-3
Unsanitary rat feces, urine, carcasses and other, biohazard, waste, pose real health concerns. Rats can spread diseases ( to humans directly through their feces, urine, saliva or bites. They can also spread diseases indirectly through their, very close friends: ticks, mites and fleas.
With so many hazards associated with rat (and mice) infestations, and the time- consuming process involved in cleaning up and sanitizing effectively, calling in experts is a very prudent decision.  Professional pest control companies provide comprehensive treatment and exclusion plans and take on the job of restoring healthful living environments.  They do all the work so you keep healthy.
Corkys Pest Control not only gets rid of rats and mice but can provide the following services:

  1. Exclusion Service: repairs damaged structures and prevents future interior infestations.

2. Clean-up and Sanitation Service:  gets rid of toxic waste left by rats and mice ensuring a healthy environment.
3. Air Duct Cleaning Service:  is an important part of any rat/mouse clean up program. Duct cleaning clears the air and makes breathing safe again.
Fact: Extreme caution should be taken before handling rat droppings (mouse droppings) as they carry a number of potentially fatal diseases (ex. Plague, Rat-bite fever, Hantavirus, Salmonellosis etc.) that spread to humans, usually by hand to mouth contact but sometimes through inhalation or direct contact such as a bite.  Dried feces and urine, when disturbed, can get into the air and be readily inhaled.  rat-poop-in-houseContaminants from rat debris and dust, including that from old or rat-infested insulation, can work their way into air duct systems and become a part of what you breath, further spreading toxic inhalants.
Some brave souls might want to try cleaning up the mess. But why take a chance with your health and that of your family. It can’t be stressed enough that this dangerotyvek-suit-got-rodent-cleanupus operation, be left to the professionals who have all the necessary equipment ( masks that prevent the inhalation of dangerous dusts containing viruses and other contaminants, commercial vacuums with hepa-filters, industrial cleaning and antibacterial/viral solutions for cleaning up hazardous waste, etc.) to ensure the health and safety of those they serve.
Restoring and maintaining a healthy environment is essential. 
Corky’s Pest Control is equipped to get the job done.                                   In Southern California:                                                                                        Call 1-800-901-1102 or Schedule an Appointment online.


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