Basic steps to ensure a successful Bed Bug Control Service.
Now that all the hard work has been done to get rid of the existing infestation, your next step is to be on the look out for any new visitors. Bed bugs do bot miraculously appear. They are brought into homes and offices from many different sources including, hotels, motels, 2nd hand furniture and clothing, guests, plains, trains and automobiles.
After a treatment has been performed, you may believe that you can now resume your life as it was before bedbugs invaded your hone. Not so.
Now is the time to watch out for Bedbugs.
- Continue to check mattresses and furniture for signs of bed bugs (now that you know what to look for).
- Vacuum suitcases after returning from vacation.
- Upon return from vacations or stays with others, wash or dry clean unpacked clothing before returning them to closets or drawers. Don’t let clothes pile up on the floor to become bed bug breeding areas.
- When traveling be sure to check mattresses and sheets for tell-tale blood spots. Keep an eye out for them at home too.
- If you must bring used furniture home, inspect it and have it cleaned or treated before brining it into the house.
- Vacuum areas of the home, frequently, where everyone congregates.
- Pets can harbor beg bugs too. Check them and their bedding.
Beg bugs are stealthy creatures, so it is important to seek help to address an infestation as soon as they appear.
Corky’s Bed Bug Control Service was created to control Bed Bugs occupying the homes and other structures on our customers properties. One-time (initial) services can eliminate or reduce an immediate problem, but reinfestations can happen quickly, as bed bugs are reintroduced by our own actions. A prevention service is important to keep them out of your home and other structures on your property. Prevention and monitoring services are provided on a quarterly basis after an initial service at a very reasonable rate and for those on our Ultimate Pest Control Service at a substantial discount.
Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service, is a year-round treatment program for ants and spiders which also includes control and preventative measures for aphids, whitefly, ticks, mosquitoes and more. Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service keeps pests controlled in your yard and out of your home.