Quick Facts Fruit Flies

Corky’s Fruit Fly Control Service
Fruit flies are common nuisance pests in homes, restaurants, supermarkets, fruit/vegetable stands and wherever food, especially fruits and vegetables are allowed to rot and ferment.
These tiny, red eyed flies can be a problem year-round, but are most common during late summer through fall. They are not listed as vectors of disease, but they do have the potential to contaminate food with bacteria and other illness producing organisms.

The red-eyed fruit fly is the most common species in Southern California, to infest homes, whereas the dark red-eyed species is found to infest mostly commercial kitchens. They both have very short life spans (about a week) but under the right conditions, can multiply quickly. Females can give birth to about 500 eggs during their short lives.
Outside, fruit flies prefer staying where fruit has fallen and is rotting, near or in garbage cans and where ground areas are moist.
Fruit flies only feed on liquids (they have no teeth). They liquify their meals, by spitting and regurgitating, then suck up the resulting liquid. This is a good reason to never eat or drink what a fly has been feasting on.

Control measures for these flies must include the elimination of breeding areas. Therefore, a thorough inspection is necessary to determine the source of infestation and a comprehensive treatment plan, using effective, state approved products and devises (organic or biologic enzyme cleaners, growth regulators, traps, etc.) needs to be implemented quickly.
Corky’s Pest Control has a Fruit Fly Control Service designed to control infestations in the landscape and inside the structure.

- We treat the areas, around the home or structure, where fruit flies, live, rest and breed. Treatment products for their control are applied to areas where breeding is evident or suspected.
- The initial service will consist of 2 treatment visits, 1 week apart. Additional service, treatments are performed upon request and billed separately.
- Service cost is based on square footage treated (per each 500 sq ft treated).
- Corky’s year round, Commercial Pest Control Service, includes fruit fly control at no extra charge as long as you remain on the service.
Once you have completed an initial Fruit Fly Control Service, control maintenance can be added, at our low customer price, to Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service, for Ants and Spiders which includes preventative treatments for ticks, aphids, whitefly and mosquitoes. You save money and we keep fruit flies under control all year long.
Call Corky’s Pest Control and put an end to nuisance fruit flies at 1-800-901-1102 or schedule a service online, today.