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Quick facts bees


Corky’s Bee Control Service

Honeybees are among the most numerous and efficient pollinator species in the world. Considering that the average honeybee can visit more than 2,000 flowers in one day, these bees greatly increase the chances of a plant producing a fruit or vegetable.

Honeybees are the species most used as commercial pollinators in the US. They are managed and used to pollinate over 100 crops grown in North America and contribute $15 billion to the US economy every year.

Honeybees not only pollinate crops, they pollinate wild and native plants, also.

These hard working bees are essential in Natures’ plan to feed the world. Human intervention into natures perfect ecological systems often results in huge problems. In trying to increase honey production, African/European hybrid bees were brought to South America and a whole hive of problems has occurred.

The presence of Africanized bees increases the risk of negative interactions with humans. Africanized bees are highly defensive. They react to activity near their colonies with increased numbers of stinging bees over much greater distances.

This can make them life-threatening, especially to people allergic to stings or with limited capacity to escape (the young, old and handicapped), and to confined livestock or pets. In each country into which they have migrated, they have killed humans and animals. Hence, the name “Killer Bees”. Beekeeping is also disrupted by Africanized honeybees, which are more difficult to manage and transport.

Swarming is a natural process in the life of all honeybee colonies. It occurs when a large group of honeybees leaves an established colony and flies off to start a new one. This natural method of propagation occurs in response to crowding within the colony. Swarming usually occurs in late spring and early summer and begins in the warmer hours of the day.

In most situations when a honeybee swarm is found on a tree, shrub or house you do not need to do anything. Swarms are temporary and the bees will move on if you patiently ignore them. Stay back and keep others away.

Honeybees face many dangers and have suffered significant declines in recent years. An array of pests, diseases, and environmental stresses have caused significant losses for beekeepers; therefore, bee swarms should, at all costs, be protected rather than destroyed, unless they are in areas where they can pose significant danger or damage.

Discovering a beehive close to or on your home, can be a stressful situation. We all want to “save the bees”, but not when they are blocking entry to the house, hanging from the patio cover, buzzing in the woodpile or making themselves at home in the BBQ or pool equipment box. Finding bees in these types of places means it’s time to call in the professionals to remove the bees to a more advantageous location or to eliminate the bees that can’t be moved.

Corky’s Pest Control has designed a Bee Control Service, that promotes environmental stewardship and advocates live bee removal and relocation whenever possible. Just eliminating the bees isn’t enough. The hive itself, including dead bees, wax and honey needs to be gotten rid of. If left in place, it will attract other insects (including more bees) and will stink as it ferments and rots. Wax and rotting honey will also melt and ooze through ceilings, walls and up through floors.

Corky’s Bee Control Service offerings are as follows: live beehive relocation, insect elimination, hive or nest removal, opening structures, structure repair and bee proofing. Bee proofing is necessary to guard against future bee colonization. Repair services are priced separately from bee services.

Above all else, our customers’ safety is our number one goal! Got Bees, call us today, 1-800-901-1102 or visit us online to ask questions or schedule a service.

If you have more than bees, bugging you, take a look at Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service for Ants and Spiders. It is a year-round control service that also includes guaranteed prevention of ticks, aphids, whitefly, mosquitoes and more!